Allah (SWT) has created many servants who tend to the needs of people.
Hadith-i Shareef, Tabarani, al-Mujam al-Kabeer
Types Of Imaan
Imaan-i Taqleedee
The one who does not know Fardh, Wajib, Sunnah, Mustahab. Basically the one who does not know the religion but believes and prays according to what they have seen from their parents and their surroundings. This person’s Imaan is Taqleedee (cloned, copy).
It is a worry that this person may not be able to protect their Imaan.
Imaan-i Istidlalee
The one who knows what is Fardh, Wajib, Sunnah and Mustahab and does Amal on this. They ask others on matters they don’t know and learn from them. This Imaan is therefore known as Istidlalee (with reasoning) and this person’s Imaan is strong.
Imaan-i Haqiqi
If the whole world comes together and denies the existence of Allah (SWT) , this person would not even have a trace of doubt in their heart. Their Imaan is strong as those of the Prophets and the Waliuallahs (people close to/friends of Allah (SWT) ).
A Story About Sultan Ibrahim Han
He is the 18th Sultan of the Ottomans. When he came to the throne in 1640 at the age of 25, he praised Allah (SWT) by saying:
Praise be to you Lord! You have given this poor and feeble servant the seat of the Sultanate.
He also made the following Dua:
O’ Allah! For the time that I am the Sultan, enable me to keep the Ummah (Muslim nation, community) happy, let them be pleased with me.
When Sultan Ibrahim was appointed as the Caliph, he praised Allah (SWT) and promised that the happiness and wellbeing of the Ummah was his main priority.
On many occasions he told his Grand Vizier (prime minister of the Sultan) that in his time, he wanted to be very equitable and that he wanted everyone to work very hard. In his personal notes, he has written down that he has had many sleepless nights because he would think about and make plans on how he could provide more for the Ummah.
One day, whilst walking around the city in disguise, he noticed a queue in front of the bakery. He turned to his Grand Vizier and said:
You are my tutor. While walking disguised in Istanbul, I noticed people standing in queues to buy bread.
I do not approve of a state where anyone has to wait, even for a second, to buy bread.
Take care of this situation immediately.
Sultan Ibrahim kept a close eye on the prices of daily needs and made sure that they were not expensive and were readily available for everyone.